Laurel Boylan, Online Entrepreneur

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3 Steps to STOP the Overwhelm

#bepresent #busy #change #cortisol #inthemoment #joy #liveintentionally #may #mindset #momboss #moments #oola #oolalife #overwhelm #parenting #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #stress May 17, 2022
Parenting Overwhelm Joy Busy May

May is one of the busiest months for parents...end of year parties and activities, graduations, awards ceremonies, planning for next year. Not to mention firming up plans for summer, picking the right summer camps, and buying tickets.

Being the mom of 5 kids, I know this time of year can be very stressful, overwhelming and, frankly, takes away some of the joy we should be feeling in the moment. 

Overwhelm steels joy. You miss the special feelings that go with the special moments when your brain is running through all the things you still have to do. 

Overwhelm also causes the production of cortisol, the stress hormone that wreaks havoc on our bodies and our health.

And, believe it or not, overwhelm is a habit. It is an emotion that you have control over. 

We've all heard the saying, "You can't control your circumstances, but you can control your response to it."

Here are 3 simple steps to STOP the overwhelm, reduce your cortisol, and feel the joy.


Take few minutes to THINK. Identify what is causing the overwhelm? Then brain dump. WRITE IT ALL DOWN. Do not think about each item, just get it on the paper! As soon as it is all written down, you will feel a bit of relief.


Write a plan or schedule each item on the list. You may find it best to breakdown the tasks.

For example, If you have to deep clean the house for company, break it down. 

-Monday I will clean the kitchen. 

-Tuesday I will do both bathrooms. 

-Wednesday I will focus on the guest room. 

-Thursday I will clean windows, family room and living room. 

-Friday I will vacuum and hot mop entire house.


When you notice you feel stressed, STOP. Recognize the overwhelmed emotions. Now flip it. Say a gratitude about the situation or a positive feeling you will experience when it is all behind you. By doing this, you switch the stress hormones off, and release the “feel good” hormones.

This is all good news! The fact we can intentionally control our thoughts and control our response empowers us to CHANGE. When we feel better, we do better. And nothing feels better than joy! 

I invite you to share your experiences with overwhelm below in the comments, or email me at [email protected].

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