Laurel Boylan, Online Entrepreneur

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Welcome to Level UP with Laurel

#abundance #blessings #bossbabe #change #decide #ecommerce #entrepreneur #freedom #growth #health #inspiration #legacy #levelup #liveintentionally #momboss #mompreneur #networkmarketing #onlineentrepreneur #oola #oolalife #personalgrowth #sidegig #sidehustle #uplevel #wellness $residualincome @personaldevelopment Feb 02, 2022
Hello and WELCOME to my blog, Level UP with Laurel!  

I have reinvented myself in the past decade and I am here to educate
and inspire you to do the same. I have broken through generational
patterns of self-doubt, escalating stress, procrastination, and a poor
money mindset. Like most adults, I was filled with limiting beliefs
about myself. 

The exciting news is that it is NEVER too late to change. How you
lived your life in the past, is just that. The PAST. You can DECIDE to
CHANGE. And, then go to work on yourself.
We all deserve to  live each day by DESIGN, not by default, with passion and gratitude! To live a life of abundance, financial and time freedom, with divine rewards.  
A major blessing and guiding force for me in personal growth has been the
#Oola community. Oola is that state of awesomeness you experience when your life is balanced and growing in all key areas of health and wellbeing.
The growth is what distinguishes a successful person from a balanced person. Perhaps your business is doing really well, but your health is poor. Or perhaps you haven’t seen your family in months or there’s simply no fun in your day-to-day life. You can change that!!!!! 

For 40 years, I was afraid to use my voice. I tried to “fit it”. I doubted
myself. I hid my insecurities and failures. On the outside, I was happy,
friendly, and known as an “achiever”. On the inside I was sad, filled
with doubt, envious of others, and willing to “settle”. I always felt like
an outsider. 

As a child, my only goal was to please my parents. I wanted them to
be proud. I was not praised for WHO I was, but instead for WHAT I
ACCOMPLISHED. Even as an adult, I hid things like financial
struggles and marriage problems from my folks. 

Despite all of these insecurities, I went on to “accomplish” a lot. 
I graduated valedictorian of my high school. 
I was a paramedic, flight medic, 911 dispatcher, and manager for
16 years. 
 I earned my bachelors in Journalism and my Masters in
Organizational Management. 
I spent 10 years as Marketing Director for an Alzheimer’s Assisted
Living corporation growing from 1 community to 17 communities in
10 years. 
I got married at 37 years old. 
We adopted 5 children. (I could do an entire blog on adoption
I formed a non-profit 501c3 organization called God’s Waiting
Children, Inc. We did orphan ministries and adoption services in
I started a network marketing business in 2014.  
And, I have spent the past 7.5 years working on my health,
happiness, life balance, fitness, mindset, and focus. I have so much
to share with you over time. I am really excited to finally have this
blog published as a place to share, learn, inspire, and connect! 
Together we will Ignite the Possibilities Within.  
Together we will pursue TIME and FINANCIAL FREEDOM.  
Together we will create a LEGACY to set the course for future generations.
I welcome e-mail communications to [email protected]. You can sign up to receive e-mail notifications of new blog posts on my website Cheers!!!
P.S. If you are open to a financial opportunity, here is a video with info for your viewing pleasure! /span>

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